Spring learning pack
Spring learning pack

Our bundle features

1. Spring inspired posters
2. Life cycles and body parts of insects
3. Nature inspired math activities
4. Garden activities
5. Animals and insects 2 piece and 2 piece puzzles
6. 1:1 correspondence cards
7. Initial sound letter clip cards
8. Puzzles, shadow matching, sorting by size and sorting by living/non living
9. Counting games (such as count and color, flower counting, counting ladybug with rolling dice, subtractions and additions sheets)
10.Writing activities (tracing, pin punching, scissor strips, do a dot, threading flower, trace the lines)
11. Language (3-part cards, language cards, initial sound letter clip cards, animals and their babies cards and puzzle, CVC words cards match mama and baby animals)
12. Crafts (ladybug playdough mat, bird feeder activity)
13. Art (color by number, coloring pages, cherry blossom tree)
Make sure you will check out and follow our Instagram account @Montessoriindailylife for more fun activities ideas, beautiful freebies and great sales!
Thank you for showing interest in my little shop!
If you need any assistance or have any questions, you can contact me at montessoriindailylife@gmail.
Terms of Use: Feel free to download these cards, workbooks, and resources as many times as needed for personal use, but please do not resell or claim this product as your own. I also ask that you do not share these with others as I have sought to make this product available as a free benefit to individuals. By joining our email list you will receive access to many amazing freebies. If using the cards on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) or in a blog post, feel free to tag me @montessoriindailylife so I can re-share your post! I kindly ask that you respect these terms of use and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me via Instagram or email at https://www.instagram.com/
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