State of Matter Mini Learning Pack



State of Matter Mini Learning Pack is a 26 pages pack that teaches children what is the state of matter in a fun, playful way.

It’s a STEAM learning pack that accompany the wider My First STEAM activity Book. It is included in this UNIT when you purchase it. Otherwise, you can have it separately at only 4.5$

The pack, contains the following activities:

  • changes of states
  • Solid, Liquid or Gas games cards
  • Brief explanation of what is Solid, Liquid, Gas – cards
  • Sorting activities
  • Things that can melt, freeze, boil game
  • Find and Write with S, L, G
  • Search and label: solid, liquid, gas
  • Process of changing matter game – fill in the pattern
  • Solids and liquids that change from one state to another – draw some examples
  • Solids and Liquids scavenger hunt

Thank you for your interest in this resource!

A kind reminder, always supervise your child while doing any of the above experiments!

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