DIY Montessori Butterfly Mobile – with FREBIE

The Montessori Butterfly Mobile - DIY - visual mobile - age 10 weeks - FREE template!

Don’t you just love already these bright and beautiful hanging butterflies? Babies are as delighted as we are when trying to track the movement in the air of those gorgeous butterflies. While babies are trying to follow the dancing movements, this helps developing their visual skills.  

I made this mobile while I was studying for my AMI Montessori certificate for infancy and I am so excited to share it with you, to offer the template for free for the one would love to build their own and to share my tutorial on how I made this.

The butterfly mobile, as any other visual mobile should be created out of natural materials and realistic images so it can be in line with the Montessori principles of offering babies concrete, real-life experiences. This mobile is geared towards age 10 weeks and up.

How I made it🦋

Everything you need for your DIY:

 🦋 butterfly template showing 5 watercolor butterflies (check it here) It’s an A4 page. I bought the right to use the images

 🦋 embroidery thread

 🦋bamboo dowels or wooden dowels (1 of 30 cm and 2 smaller of 15 cm each)

I printed and cut out the butterflies in double (you can also try to print on thicker paper, I used the normal one). I attach the 2 sides (up and down)I attached the embroidery thread to each with glue gun. I roll it and made a knot to each one on the dowel. I added a longer thread piece to hang it.

When offer to the child, please hang it 30 cm above his chest, like in this picture.


Please check here the tutorial

You can check it on our Instagram page for a better visibility – CHECK IT HERE!

Thank you so much for your interest in the Butterfly Mobile template. 

If you need any assistance or have any questions, you can contact us

Terms of Use: Feel free to download the template, as many times as needed for personal use, but please do not resell or claim this product as your own. I also ask that you do not share these with others as I have sought to make this product available as a free benefit to individuals.

By joining our email list you will receive access to many amazing freebies. I kindly ask that you respect these terms of use and if you have any questions, feel free to contact me via Instagram or email:



All graphics have been purchased by their respective creators and are used with permission.



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